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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another lost week

Really, it's not a big deal, and for the first time that I've run into one of these, I actually don't feel super panicked about it. I got sick, then the Munchkin got sick, and even though she's mostly better, no day care means no time for Mommy to run. Our routine is just all thrown off, and it has me longing for summer, when a run outside with the Munchkin in the Jogging stroller would be a viable option.

However, I'm way ahead of the game on my training plan, so a lost week is no big deal.

The funny thing is that I think my legs are less happy with me from running up and down the stairs while home with my daughter than they've been after any of the long runs this training cycle.

In other news, after campaigning for a stand desk at work for a while (and getting promises that one is coming eventually,) my department took matters into our own hands and "made" ourselves some stand desks. Yes, I am working with my computer on a box.

So today is day two of having a (somewhat) working stand desk, with it set up for me to be able to sit comfortably as well. I'm super happy about this too, which is weird because it's such a small thing. I really do feel that it's going to make a difference in my overall health though.

Monday, February 16, 2015


I cracked ten miles on my long run this week. It was a super rough run too.

My schedule the past week was M: Rest, T: 4 miles, W:Rest, Th: 3 miles, F: Rest, Sat: 5 miles, Sun: 10 freaking miles.

So my legs were tired already from the five on saturday. And I've been having insomnia, and was super sleepy. And my daughter took a long time going down for a nap, and and and....I had so many reasons not to do this run. Or not to finish it.

Instead I plugged myself into the laptop with netflix streaming fringe and just went. I tried so very hard to ignore where I was in the run, to just almost forget the fact that I was running at all.

My legs were tired (I said that already didn't I?) and my calves started to protest around mile five, but my lungs were fine. In fact the only real issue was that my legs felt increasingly heavy the whole run.

I finished the run, exhausted, and then (because I am a parent and a spouse) went grocery shopping.

Today my legs hate me, even though I'm rocking the compression socks. I see a foam roller and some advil in my future.

I'm also super nervous because this is the point in my training where the wheels have come off in the past. My longest run before my first half marathon was just shy of 10 miles. (around 9 1/2 I think) and then my longest run with the FF training group was  8 miles.

So now, with the exception of the half marathon, I'm running these distances for the first time. Next week's long run is a 12 miler. I crashed and burned at mile 11 of the Half. I am super nervous about where I am in my training, especially since none of these runs have been outside. The conditions around here are too nasty right now for me to risk it. (Snow everywhere, no sidewalks, very little shoulder left on the roads, and of course I'm usually running after dark.) I'm trying to trust the training, but it's so so hard when I've fallen apart twice already.

Here's hoping third time's a charm.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Still Here, Still Running

So, life has done it's normal thing and swarmed up in a lot of ways to keep me on my toes. I've managed to keep on with my training plan, despite an increasingly chaotic schedule. So I'll call that a win.

I'm starting to feel the strain of the increased milage in my legs, more often than not they'll feel heavy for the first couple miles, until I settle into a run.

I did my first 9 miler on the First, which was kind of a breakthrough point for me, since the last time my runs started to fall apart around 8 miles. One funny thing happened during the run, my treadmill cut out around 8.5 miles into the run. The belt just stopped randomly. I ran right into the front of the treadmill. The display was still going, and turning the machine off and back on got the belt going again, but I think I'm gonna need a new treadmill soon.

This past week was a drop back week as far as my long run, only seven miles, and only 18 miles total for the week. I know I needed it. Between all the craziness that's been going on in my life (most of it good!) and how my legs have been feeling, I think I needed a mini-break.

This week is back to the big miles. We'll see how well I hold up to the ten miler at the end of the week.