Sometimes (often) the things that affect my ability to work out are completely out of my control. Last night was most definitely one of those times.
I was planning on attending a 7pm yoga class. Normally this is only a small scheduling issue. If I have dinner ready before I go, my husband can eat and feed the baby while I'm at Yoga, and I eat when I get home. Normally my husband gets home between 5:45 and 6:00, which gives me plenty of time to pack up and leave for class.
Last night he got home a little after 6:30.
I could have still gone. I could have shown up late I suppose, sometimes people do. But I'm one of those obsessively early people. I hate nothing more than walking in somewhere late.
"It's Ok." I thought, "I can still do a yoga video later after the munchkin goes to bed."
Except she didn't. She was up and wired until sometime between 8:30 and 9:00. For reference she's usually in bed before 8pm.
So I ended up, exhausted from toddler play time, collapsing on the couch and watching television in my yoga clothes.
I'm hoping to make up for that failure yesterday with a run today. It is incredibly windy out there, and I'm going to be running with the jogging stroller, so I don't have high hopes for a stellar run. But I'm determined to do something today.
I will not let the Blerch win.
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