I only really felt it at the end of mile three and beginning of mile four. That was when I was switching from one movie to the next. You can see it in my pace on my splits. I decided to kinda punch it for mile four and just get it over with.
I'm more confident that I'll run a good race tomorrow, but I'm still super nervous about it. I don't know if it's just normal pre-race jitters, or the fact that I'd really like to PR, but I'm starting to get anxious. I mean, I know I can run three miles. I know I can run three miles faster than I did last spring. But I havn't been running outside. And the weather might not be awesome. And what if my legs feel dead? And and and...
I'm trying to stay positive, to keep it in my head that just this past sunday I ran seven miles. If I can do that, three miles should be cake.
Beyond the attempt at a PR, I've got some friends running this, so I'm going to try to have fun with it. I've got the Shirt and I'm gonna rock the Reindeer antlers. It's supposed to be cool, but not freezing, so I'll wear my long sleeve tech shirt under the t-shirt. I'm still going back and forth on long pants vs. capri's, that'll have to be a game day decision. It's going to be overcast so I don't think I'll need my customary hat or sunglasses, although it might be raining, so the hat might be a good idea. A lot of people dress up for this, but I didn't really think about it, so the reindeer antlers and shirt are going to be the extent of my "costume", maybe next year I'll think of something better.

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