So, I suppose I should do a New Years post, with resolutions and everything.
This year my resolutions are simple, and I hope attainable goals. I want to run more, so with that in mind I've set a few goals, The half marathon in April, a total yearly goal of 500 miles, and the goal of running at least three times a week, every week.
I do have a few non running resolutions, or goals. I signed up for an online CS class, which started this week. And I want to loose weight by my brothers wedding in August. I think if I stick to my running goals, and keep watching what I eat, the weight loss will take care of it's self.
Really that was it though. Which surprised me. I usually have the urge to completely overhaul my life at every "start point," so every new years, every birthday, every sunday, you know. But this year I got to the new year and I thought, I've already started on the paths I want, I just need to keep on. I just really need to keep upping my game, to keep reaching for those goals.
Keep the lesson running keeps teaching me firmly in my mind. The finish may be the goal, but the only thing you need to focus on is the next few steps.
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