My usual tuesday run was made much better this week by two things. One, the weather (and the time change) allowed for the run to be moved outside. I can't tell you how much better that felt. Two, my SIL joined me on the run for the first time in a long time!
Since I knew my SIL wouldn't be up for a long run (she's just getting back into running) I headed up to the reservoir early to get a few laps in. It was funny, when I was getting there, the Fleet Feet training group was just getting started on doing their hill repeats, so I got to chat with one of the runners on my way up the hill. There were a TON of people there taking advantage of the weather!

Once I got up to the top of the hill and onto the track that loops around the reservoir, I settled into a nice easy pace. I had a rough time for the first loop, and I was starting to wonder if I had rested my legs enough. They really felt awful. But after the first loop (each loop is about a 1/4 mile) my legs started to warm up, and the run started to feel good. Easy. I just kinda cruised around the loop, enjoying being outside and doing some casual people watching. Those fleet feet people are hard core.
I wasn't really paying attention to my distance or my pace, just kinda relaxed into the run waiting for my SIL to show up. I had to stop when she called me to answer my phone, and then did a little walking when meeting up with her.

Once we were running together, I let her set the pace. I was surprised to find I was able to have a conversation while we ran. That is the first time that's ever happened for me. We ended up taking two walk breaks during the one and a half loops we did once my SIL showed up. Not bad for her first serious run.
While we were finishing up our run, I was surprised to hear my phone chirp out the three mile mark. I honestly didn't feel like I had run that far.
All in all it was an awesome run.
I love that feeling of surprise when you realize you kicked a run's butt. Go you!