Weight Tracker

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Back to it

After the Half, my motivation obviously took a nose dive, helped along by a nagging calf issue. This resulted in two solid weeks of....nothing. Oh I've walked a bunch, but no running, at all. The calf issue has resolved itself, but the motivation issue, not so much.

So I'm taking drastic measures. (Well drastic for me anyways.)

I've signed up for a Half Marathon Training program run at our local Fleet Feet store.

See, this is putting me way outside my comfort zone.

First, people. People I don't know. In fact, I'm fairly sure a large group of people all of whom I do not know.

Second, one of the runs is at 6:00 AM, as in in the morning, and is also on a morning when I have to work (it's a tuesday.) I am not a morning person. Try as I might, I have not been able (so far) to create a morning run habit. This is going to force me to. And then to attempt to function for a full day afterwards.

Third, commitment. Once I start this program, there's no backing out, no slacking off, no fudging the schedule to work for me. There will be people. People who know if I don't show up. People who will know if I'm not giving 100%.

Also, did I mention there will be people?

I have a 10K coming up this weekend as well. We'll see how well that goes, but I'm not super worried about it. My whole family is running it together, My dad's been working his way up to the 10k distance all winter, and my Brother (the Ironman) will be pushing my mother in push chair. Obviously the pace will not be super speedy for us.  I'm going to try to get one shorter run in on Friday, just to test out my legs.

Hopefully between the run this weekend, and singing myself up for this Training Group, I'll avoid the training drop off I'm fearing.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your 10K. Your whole family running together sounds AWESOME and makes me happy.

    Good luck with your training. Early morning runs take some getting used to...I'll let you know when I'm used to them. ;)
