Weight Tracker

Monday, June 13, 2016

Think you could slow me down?

Even though I rolled my ankle a few weeks ago, I signed up for a training plan again through Fleet Feet. This one is training towards a 10K. I figured it would be less intense than the half marathon plan and would be a good way to ease back into running.

The time trial was on Saturday, two miles, run as hard as you can. Of course it was super hot, and super humid, and since it had been freezing that morning, I was wearing long pants. So I trialed really slow. I'm ok with that. I'm in the 13 min. mile pace group going by my trial, and I figure, I'll start there and see if I can ease my way up to the 12 min/mile group as time goes on.

Today was the first real run of the training plan. Three miles, nice and easy. The weather was perfect, cool, breezy, overcast. I spent the entire run doing constant checks on the state of my ankle. It started feeling a little stiff around halfway through the run, but other than that, it felt great.

Now the key is to keep my ankle supported, and not overwork it as it recovers from the run.

It felt great to be back at it.

1 comment:

  1. woo hoo! Hey, I would rather be in a slower pace group than a faster one and greak out about it!
